Get A FREE Personalised Wealth Report PLUS Get Access To FREE TOOLS To Take The Stress Out Of Your Business Financials

How Healthy Is Your Financial Future?

FIND OUT FOR SURE: Take the Financial Performance Scorecard to leverage your business to create financial abundance. PDF report direct to inbox in 3 minutes or less.

How it works.

We'll ask you 40 Yes/No questions on the 7 elements of financial performance. In 5 minutes or less you'll have a tailored report to help you improve and become more influential. 
  • Research-Based Questions
    Our assessment features questions derived from research on the key traits for being known, liked, and trusted in your industry
  • ​Detailed Financial Scores
    After completing the questionnaire, receive an overall influence score and detailed scores for each of the seven critical elements of influence.
  • ​Personalised Report
    Get a customised report with actionable steps to immediately start improving your influence score and your impact in the field.

Step up your game
with our scorecard.

Tap into your true potential — measure your financial performance today and get tailored steps for growth.

What Free Gifts?

Complete the Scorecard and get this:
Exclusive best-selling books: Including "Enjoy The Journey," my international bestseller about creating wealth and living the life you desire, complete with all worksheets and guides.

Revolutionary financial tools and calculators:

Small Business Valuation Tool: Discover your business's worth and how to enhance its value.
Service Business Profit Accelerator Toolkit: Boost your service business performance.
Property Investment Calculator: Forecast your investment's pre and post-tax cashflows and potential growth.
Profit Accelerator Tool: Uncover key levers to smash your profit goals.

Comprehensive guides and resources:

Debt Recycling Guide: Learn how to reduce your home loan, minimize taxes, and build wealth.

Life Events Bond Strategy Guide: Master tax-effective investing, estate planning, and wealth transfer using investment bonds.

Our revolutionary Financial Freedom Forecast tool: Your compass to navigate the path to wealth with precision.

A personalized financial strategy session: Blueprint your next 12 months towards financial brilliance.

Free access to the Wealth Mentor Community: Join our exclusive Facebook group to dive deeper into wealth-building strategies.

Disclaimer: This advice is general and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. You should consider whether the advice is suitable for you and your personal circumstances. We urge you to seek your own financial, legal and tax advice before taking action on anything within this document.
Please arrange an appointment to seek personal financial and taxation advice prior to acting on this information. Aureus Wealth Advisers Pty Ltd (CAR 1259968) are Authorised Representatives of Spark Advisors Australia Pty Ltd ABN 34 122 486 935 (a subsidiary of Spark Financial Group), and AFSL 380552

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